42 Photos to Inspire You to Visit Egypt
I first travelled to Egypt back in August 2019 for a family wedding in Cairo. We then went on to explore Dahab which is a small ‘hippy’ coastal town, an hour’s drive from Sharm El Sheikh. Instantly, I was totally blown away by the country’s history, architecture, and natural beauty.
I won’t lie and say that the country is the perfect holiday destination for tourists, however with the right planning and preparation, you can have a trip of a lifetime. Just like I did! Cairo is a crumbling, dirty and crazy city. Buildings are falling down everywhere you look… which is hard to digest at first, but I quickly learned that the Egyptian people are humble and appreciate what they have. Especially their families. Their house may have holes in the walls, but at least they will all be together inside.
I loved learning about the Ancient Egyptians at school so I was in total awe after seeing the Egyptian Museum and Great Pyramids for the first time. It was very difficult to be scared or worried about the surroundings after being captivated by the history.
I tried to capture the ‘reality but also the natural beauty of the country which isn’t commonly talked about. We dived in the Red Sea which is still raw and beautiful - an experience I will never forget. I hope my photos inspire you to visit this incredible country, enjoy!

26 Photos to Inspire You to Visit Alexandria, Egypt